I am building fps game (with blueprints). Everything went just fine until I tried to do teams. (I’m not very good with networking yet, got my own solution work just fine on 1 client but it replicated weirdly.) After I had struggled for a too long time I decided to check how Shooter Example made team. Now I am totally lost.
I have been programming something simple with c++ before but now I just cannot understand how everything works. All I can find is those header files in which I cannot find any actually functionality, just definitions etc. (Maybe I just don’t understand how these classes works.)
So my actual question is, how do I modify any file (probably game mode thing) or use it in my own codes to allow player to choose team? Like how do those game mode c++ files actually work and where is the actual functionality of teams (or anything else, I don’t really understand how the whole game runs with those header files I found in content browser)?
Hope you understood my point.