I am trying to use console command “RecordAnimation ThirdPersonCharacter /Content/”, as it was described in 4.11 release notes, but the engine can’t recognise this comand, need some help. And further question - there can not be an output pin from the “execute console command”, so how can I use recorded animation during runtime after I stop recording? Offcource if I could manage how to record at all…
Also I noticed I don’t have a “sequence recorder” line in “window” menu as it shown here: Recording to Sequencer | Unreal Engine Documentation
Has recording functionality been removed from 4.11.1 build?
Not everything shown from Epic in the docs or in the videos is part of 4.11. Some features will be shipped with 4.12.
You can check if the GitHub version has the features you require.
You can use the commands shown in the changelog to use this feature too.
RecordAnimation MyActorClass_05 /Content/Foo/RecordedAnimation
to start a record and
StopRecordingAnimation MyActorClass_05
StopRecordingAnimation all
to stop a record.
But “Live Animation Recording from Gameplay” was mentioned as 4.11 new feature in release notes
Yes, but it mentions to use
RecordAnimation MyActorClass_05 /Content/Foo/RecordedAnimation
to start a record and
StopRecordingAnimation MyActorClass_05
StopRecordingAnimation all
to stop a record.
yes and engine does not recognise this commands, so I assumed that this functionality should be somehow unlocked like sequencer
Github version worked well, but now, when 4.12 is released, I hoped this command will work in it, but it still can’t be recognised.
The problem was I used “get display name” insted of “get object name”