How to aim correctly?

I’m using aim offset to aim inside my game. But i have 1 huge problem that i’m trying to solve 2 weeks now.

How can i make my player aim with the gun at the center of the screen so the bullet go where the aim shows???

When i creating the aim offset with all the animations, i can’t even see my gun, and the gun aims at a different direction from the aim.


There are multiple ways of solving this issue:

  • Check the animation blueprint of your player character to make sure that the aim offset is being applied correctly. Make sure that the aim offset is being applied to the correct bone or socket on the gun mesh, and that the offset values are being applied correctly.
  • Adjust the camera settings in your game to make sure that the center of the screen aligns with the aim offset. This could involve adjusting the position, rotation, and field of view of the camera.
  • Check the code of the player controller, make sure that it’s getting the aim offset coordinates correctly and applying them to the gun.