So I’m working on a 3D side scroller, and I find that the Gamepad controller I’m using (X-box) appears to be too sensitive. For when you release the movement joystick the character will occasionally snap around and turn to face the opposite direction, this is because of the joysticks physical sensitivity.
I would like to simply adjust the joystick input sensitivity from Unreal 4 but I’m having trouble finding the easiest way to do it…
I figured it would be a simple adjustable numerical default settings similar to adjusting the run speed ect, but I was wrong…
Granted, I am only a few weeks into Unreal 4 but I’m at my wits end trying to locate this assumably simple setting…
I have watched/read several tutorial videos and articles but they either don’t completely pertain to my issue or they seem too complex for what I’m looking for.
I found on an article the “Ease” Blueprint function. But I don’t know how to use it yet… (I’m sorry, I’m still very much a layman)
So I ask thee, Is there in fact a simple way to adjust the controller sensitivity or could someone show me a blue print on how to utilize the “Ease” function?
I greatly appreciate any and all aid! Thanks!