How to add value to a vector timeline

Hi all,
I’ve been making a simple physics-based game with the Rolling Template to get re-familiarized with UE4.

I currently have it set up so when the player collides with a pickup, their transform scale increases by 0.5.
This has been done through a Timeline to ensure the size increases smoothly as I couldn’t figure out another way for the size of the ball to increase smoothly otherwise.

My only problem is, this is only working once.
How can I go about increasing the size more than once?
For example, the first pick up increases the ball transform scale from 1.0 to 1.5. If the player picks up another pickup, how can I then increase the ball size from 1.5 to 2.0?

Here is an image of the current blueprint setup.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Use a float timeline in combination with an ease node, like so:

Alpha on the timeline is usually between 0 and 1 both on the time and value so that you can easily manipulate it later.

Thanks Neelix,
I almost have this working now after using your method, I just have one problem left.

How can I update the current scale?
I know I could “Get World Scale” of the Ball and feed that into “Make Vector” but this creates another problem in that the current scale of the ball then grows at an exponential rate due to how update works on the timeline blueprint.

I was going to make a custom event which would trigger when the timeline blueprint has finished, then this custom even would somehow feed a new vector into the “Make Vector” blueprint.Just not sure how I can do that just yet.
Am I over thinking this haha?

Or you could store the ball scale in a variable just before you play the timeline and then feed the variable in A of ease and scale factor multiplier.

Figured it out in the end, thank you for the help once again!
Here is the final result for future reference, hopefully it helps someone one day! :slight_smile: