How to add trigger volume into blueprint?

I have a custom shape trigger volume, I want to have it in blueprint, along with other objects. Unfortunately when I create blueprint, I can’t see it inside, and also volume disappeard from scene. I can’t use box or capsule from blueprint because I have specific shape of volume.

Any help?

You mean your “custom shape trigger volume” is made in C++ and you want to use it in blueprint?

No, custom shape made from BSP or just converted in geometry mode

Can’t get BSP like structures in a blueprint, you can uses spheres and boxes as components, you can set the collision preset of that component to trigger, and it sends some events to your blueprint, like “on begin overlap” etc…

Hi , I think you can do this:

  1. Select your custom shape made from BSP and go to File–>Export Selected and it will save it as fbx.

  2. You will need to think about pivot point, I think that when you export BSP wherever is the 0,0,0 coordinate in your level that’s where the pivot will be placed, so its a good idea to move the BSP somewhere close to 0,0,0 location being in middle of your BSP shape before you export.

  3. Then import this file as Static Mesh and name it, then right click–> Copy Reference !

  4. Go to your Blueprint , in the “Components” tab click “Add Component” and select “Static Mesh”,
    in the settings for Static Mesh Component paste the reference to your imported custom made shape.

  5. A little lower find the “Events” section rollout, there click and select what you want , for example “On touch”, “On Click” , and add the functionality in the graph.

  6. The last thing would be to make the Static Mesh invisible, one way to do that would be to simply un-check the “visible” parameter in the Rendering rollout or you could apply an invisible material to it, create a material and try Mask mode and give a black color or small texture to the “Opacity Mask” slot.

Good Luck!

Yeah, that works. It’s don’t have to be BSP, it can be any static mesh basicly.
So the workflow looks like this:

  • add staic mesh with collisions on level
  • replace it with blueprint
  • change collision to trigger
  • add event OnComponentBeginOverlap
  • toggle “Hidden in game”

Thing is, that’s not the perfect solution. I think rendering a wireframe/wire box/volume is more intuitive and transparent. It gives even more confiusion on level when you have normal trigger volumes (which looks like wireframe) and other trigger volumes made from blueprints which looks like meshes .

Bottom line - adding trigger volumes to blueprints should be possible OR there should be an option to render trigger mesh as wireframe.


Click on the trigger volume-At the up middle, click on blueprints --Then click open level blueprint

100% Gonna work

A Box Collision component can be added to Blueprints instead of Trigger Volume, as shown below: