How to add tag for a player In a Multiplayer game?


How can I add tag for a random chosen player controller and then use ActorHasTag in the character blueprint to give custom functionalities for the chosen player? What is the best way?

I’m searching for the same thing, did you get anything on that ?


Please remember to accept the answer if my reply has helped you!

This is my best guess:
(in game mode, but there may be a better place for this)

On player character:

You’re talking about both player controller and character. Which do you want to use?

You want to add a tag to the player controller, then use ActorHasTag on the character. These are separate things. Choose one based on your needs.

You’d need to get controlled pawn from the player controller then add the tag to that actor if you want to put the tag on the character and not the controller. Or, add the tag on the Player controller and make the custom modifications on the character if its owning controller has the tag… multiple ways to go about this but you need to know where you want to do it.

Thanks for the tips that helps me a lot :slight_smile: