Hi there,
Here’s my goal: When my character attacks I’d like to display the “sword swoosh” as a simple line that is drawn, crosses the screen and then disappears over time, if you remember fruit ninja: that’s exactly what I need. Basically a glowing emitter that leaves a trail of of sparks.
Currently I have a set of splines, and an actor with a timeline that moves itself on one of those splines. Attached to that actor I placed a particle system.
These splines are attached to my character (first person) so that when moving the camera and/or the character the splines will move with it, and the swoosh will not be altered.
Here’s my problem: If I add a particle system, and my character stands still, the effect will be exactly what I want, but as soon as I move the camera, particles will not be dragged along, only the emitter will, making a really weird effect.
If I set the “use local space” to true, both the particles and the emitter will follow the object on the spline, without being affected by the camera, but the emitter will not leave any trail.
I’ve looked everywhere for other ideas on how to achieve this effect, I can draw a line on a widget, but I can’t make it disappear over time. What else can I do?
Thanks a lot if you can help me