How to add movement components to a non-character pawn using BP?

Hello all, I have this gargoyle enemy pawn that I’ve set up to attack the player when the player gets near. Problem is that I can’t seem to actually move the gargoyle toward the player. It’s pretty funny he just jogs like he’s on a treadmill but doesnt actually go anywhere.

Any ideas on how to solve this problem? It’s a little frustrating because yes I could set the gargoyle up as a character, but the problem with that is that the collision is too simple. Imagine trying to enclose a winged creature with 1 simple capsule. Yeah it’s not precise enough. If I shoot one of the wings with an arrow, nothing will happen because the collision capsule doesn’t enclose the wings :frowning:

Anyways if anyone could help that would be fantastic, I’ve been stuck on this for a while. Thank you.

Take a look at the Flying template. It implements Pawn movement and collision (with the attached static mesh) without using a Movement Component. I think the only options for adding movement components to BP currently are projectile and rotating. I think they are looking into adding a simple movement component called Floating Pawn Movement (this is currently available if using C++) that you can add to your BP. You also can get a Floating Pawn Movement component if you use the Default Pawn class instead of the base Pawn class.

But, as the Flying template shows, you don’t actually need a movement component to move. You can just use Add Actor Local Offset to move around Actors.

I think the simpler problem to solve is the second one. Go with a character movement component. The capsule doesn’t need to be precise for movement, unless you want the wings to obstruct movement - then it gets complicated! Better to avoid that if you can. If you can’t encapsulate the full body and wings, then it will mean you may end up with for example, the wings clipping through the visual mesh of the environment or other characters. You may get away with it just fine unless you’re aiming for high fidelity. It’s a compromise between aesthetics and performance.

Moving an enemy pawn to the player is going to be easier and more robust using a capsule than any shape besides a sphere.

Hit detection is a separate problem. You can add multiple collision shapes to define your character’s collision geometry for performing hit trace tests against. Boxes and spheres are typically used to approximate the visual mesh, and are attached to the character’s skeleton (bones). This enables them to animate with the character and allow for detailed hit detection regardless of animation pose. So enclose and attach some collision shapes to the wings and arrows will appear to hit them, voila!