How to add idle, mid, max, engine sounds to flying pawn?

nah no luck guys, the sounds either play all at the same time or nothing, no matter which crossfade setting i use,

I think it has something to do with speed setup of my spaceship ,

in this tutorial

he is using a car blueprint that comes with EngineRPM variable, key words “RPM” and “car”

which is why it might work for him,

for my spaceship I tried adding various similar variables “speed” “engine power” “engine speed”

and it doesn’t work

It is either a settings problem (e.g. bad fade values) or a blueprint code problem (e.g. gives the same constant value). Is the power a variable that changes over time, or it is just a constant?

once you put say 90000 over 30000 in power variable then ship travels much faster, but the speed of the space ship goes like this, from zero to full in few in split second, there is no first slow then fast then fastest, which make me think it’s the blueprint too

here another vid example

Ok, some good news, it is the blueprint, I tried adding idle, mid, max, to a flying pawn blueprint with same settings and it works! The main speed variable there was called “current forward speed”, I’ll mess with it some more and see how it goes, thanks for your help everyone.

see ya

So this is how my blueprint looks like for thrust compared to pawn blue print:

any changes i can make to make the ‘current forward speed’ variable work in the same way for my version?


what should i change?

Yep you need to improve the engine mechanics. An easy thing to try is to take the same graph and change the variables from CurrentSpeed to CurrentPower, MaxSpeed to MaxPower etc. Then on event tick set the float parameter of the cue to the CurrentPower.

Any news? I wonder if you managed to reach your goal.