How to add functions to FworldDelegates (tutorial)

Hey If you want your any class functions to be called by FWorldDelegates,

These are the steps to follow:

  1. create a class and in the header file
    Let’s create an actor class

#pragma once

#include "CoreMinimal.h"

#include "Engine/World.h"      /// include the engine delegates here

#include "GameFramework/Actor.h"
#include "HelloWorldActor.generated.h"
  1. create a function that needs to be called in the FworldDelegates

in the header file

void myfunctionFD(UWorld* a, ELevelTick b, float c );

in source file

void myfunctionFD(UWorld*  a, ELevelTick b, float c )
  UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Hello World ! , myfunctionFD is being called by the engine delegates "));
  1. Now, it’s time to call assign this function to FWorldDelegates

in the source file
say when the beginPlay function is being called,
I want to attach " myfunctionFD " function to one of the FWorldDelegates

here the code

void HelloWorldActor::BeginPlay()
	FWorldDelegates::OnWorldPostActorTick.AddUObject(this, &HelloWorldActor::myfunctionFD );

If you noticed my function has a parameter that obeys the rule of delegate “OnWorldPostActorTick” parameters.

And when you want your functions to be called in another engine delegates, all of them need to follow the delegates parameters.

You can find those parameters when you writing in your IDE’s IntelliSense

or in the world.h header


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