How to add displacement to a landscape in UE5?

So I am currently following this tutorial on how to create landscapes in UE5 (Unreal Engine 5 Landscape Beginner Tutorial - Learn to create Open Worlds (Free Material available) - YouTube). At around 2:47:00, he begins instructing us on how to create displacements for our materials. However, the Make Material Attributes node does not have a World Displacement input on it.

I’ve been trying to find a way to create displacement, but I am struggling. I’ve enabled the Virtual Height Field Mesh plugin, checked off “Enable Virtual Texture Support” in the Project Settings, and restarted Unreal. Also, I saw this on a few other tutorials, the Open Land Widget that is supposed to appear in the Content Browser after enabling the plugin does not come up for me.

I’ve heard that UE5 (I’m using 5.0.1) got rid of world displacement and nanite is suppose to replace all of that, but, after looking it up/trying to find tutorials, I am still having trouble adding displacement to my landscape.
Does anyone know how to add displacement in UE5?

Virtual Heightfield Mesh is (currently) the best way to approach this. Note that tessellation is in fact discontinued, but Virtual Heightfield Mesh behaves similarly. You need to learn more about Runtime Virtual Texture volumes, which are also used for landscape blending, as you will be needing these for your Virtual Heightfield Mesh, to my knowledge. The creator of the OpenLand plugin has a Youtube channel that goes rather in-depth about this.

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Right on. Do you know the name of his YouTube channel?

GDi4K. His OpenLand marketplace asset comes with the widget he uses in the video, but it isn’t necessary. I managed to fumble around with RVT and Heightfield to get the same result. It is easier with his asset, however (I do believe he also has widget macros for RVT support, among other things.) I tend to borrow a few of his material functions for any landscape material I’m working on, but it’s all easy enough to figure out. He also has a newer video showing how to hide the old landscape. Do note that Virtual Heightfield meshes ONLY (as far as I know) use RVT for texturing. If you notice textures look “crunched” and some of your fancier distance-based nodes don’t seem to work, that’s just one of the pitfalls of it.