I’ve made a character that can walk on any surface, think alien xenomorph movement type. The problem I’m having is that I can’t figure out nor did I find any tutorials on how to use the built in controller rotation to be relative/in reference to the characters orientation as well.
Basically if I disable Use Controller Rotation [Pitch,Yaw,Roll], disable the follow camera boom’s Use Pawn Control Rotation and disable Use Controller Desired Rotations,Orient Rotation to Movement and apply any camera rotations on the follow camera boom itself, it works perfectly since it is in reference to character and is being rotated relatively to it on the Y (pitch) and Z (yaw). However, I really like the Orient Rotation to Movement from CharacterMovement option and want to have that kind of movement when not aiming (readying for melee) and when right click is pressed the character orients to the cameras pitch and yaw in a relative way, maintaining it’s upwards orientation based on the surface. So I was wondering can the built in Controller Rotation be used relatively to the characters up/upwards orientation? Or if there’s another way without Controller Rotation?
I’d post what I tried so far but I tried so many and deleted so many things for 3 days now that I doubt any screenshots would really help but I’ll post it if it would help with the question. I can even make a video if need be.