How to add colour to noise texture?

I have my noise texture and I just want to replace the white with one colour and the black with another colour, how can I do this?

I have tried to lerp from one colour to another using the noise as the alpha, and have tried to multiply the white value with a colour and add the black multiplied by a colour with nothing still working.

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It’s a lerp, exactly like you mentioned

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When I try this, The second colour doesn’t fill in the black areas, it just replaces everything

This is the noise without the lerp.

This is with the lerp.

The colour is replaced, it doesn’t mix or change the colours.

And if i convert the colour to a parameter, I get this.

I do not know what to do?

Can you show the actual noise texture here?

This is all I am doing.

The Noise on its own looks like this.

To be fair, you did say ‘noise texture’ above. This is a noise node.

Yes, you might need to change this


Thank you so much for the help!

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