Hi there, I’m trying to add this plugin to UE for my project (simulator project). However, after I download the pack of this plugin on website, and read the README file, I still struggle to find the way to add it. The file said I have to download Webserver configurations ( Which include: IIS, Apache, Node.js, Python, XAMPP and Nginx via Docker

Curently, I activated the IIS and had downloaded the Apache file too but I can’t activate it. Also they require the Python, but in UE, we use C++ so I wonder do I need to install the Python?

I have watch some video on youtube but the way they do is different: they only copy and paste the plugin file to the location of UE app.(Yep, they use another plugin to make example). Moreover, I asked my friend and he said I didn’t need to install too.

So if you guys had already use or install this plugin can you guide me how to add it.

I use UE 5.1 and the plugin version is V.1.1.0

Here is the link to down the plugin: ArcGIS Maps SDK for Unreal Engine | ArcGIS Developers

Thank you so much for reading this. I’m newbie so my skill is very low. Hopping receive the answer for all you guys <3.

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