Good afternoon, I want to make an animation of viewing the watch on my hand using the “x” key, but besides this, I would like to add that the watch would show a heals bar, that is, you can say some kind of non-standard HP reading. I wanted to know how to do this and whether it is possible to do this. From what I have, this is the animation of the hand itself, as well as the texture of the hand and the watch. (I also understand how you can make a heals bar like in dead space, but I asked myself the question during the animation: will it move the same way or should I set up a new function for this?)
You’re being very vague.
In what way would the animation of the health bar behave?
Because if it is just a BAR and it slides, then yes, VERY possible. You just need to look up a health bar tutorial. If it is a radial health bar, then look up tutorials on how to animate radial lines and bars.
Also, Hello!
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