How to add an element to an array that contains another array

I know how to add elements to an array, but I don’t know how to add elements to the following array structure

    PropsIn:[]creative_prop = array{}

Forum := class(creative_device):
    IndexProp:[]PropData = array{}

In a creative_prop array they are added in the following way

var PProps:[]creative_prop=array{}

                    set PProps += array{H}

Im confused where do you want the elements to be? From what I assume you already are putting the creative_props in the PropsIn array and the IndexProp Will just have the different prop arrays could you be more specific as to what youre trying to achieve?

Basically what I want to do is that in position 0 I assign elements from a creative_prop, in position 1 I assign elements from another creative_prop and so on.
In a way similar to this
In the editor it can be done manually but I want to do it in code

Here is what I have

    PropsIn:[]creative_prop = array{}

Forum := class(creative_device):
    IndexProp:[]PropData = array{}

To make myself clear, I want to add elements to the IndexProp array but I do not know how to do it. I try to do the following but it does not work

    set IndexProp.PropsIn += array{H}

I already know how to solve it

  SaveProp:=PropData{PropsIn:= array{H}}
  set IndexProp += array{SaveProp}

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