How to add a prop manipulator to a creative_object from code?

I have a 50 barrel props in my level and I want to add a prop manipulator to each one of them (or have 1 prop manipulator with all the barrels managed by it).

How can this be done by code? I’ve already added a verse tag to my barrels and have access to all 50 of them from code like so:

using { / }
using { / }
using { / }

# A Verse-authored creative device that can be placed in a level
barrel_manager_device := class(creative_device):

    PropManipulator : prop_manipulator_device = prop_manipulator_device{}

    # Runs when the device is started in a running game
        # Get tagged barrels
        TaggedBarrels := GetCreativeObjectsWithTag(prop_barrel{})

        for (TaggedBarrel : TaggedBarrels):
            Print("Barrel found")

I don’t believe this is possible at the moment. What did you want to use the Prop Manipulator for? Maybe there is/will be a way to do it directly in Verse without using that Device.

Thanks @Dig_Squid for the reply. Basically I want to make each barrel breakable when the players hits it (so giving each barrel helath). And I wanted there to be a random chance for loop to drop out of the barrel once broken.

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Just curious if there has been any updates since the original post to do something like this in Verse? I was basically wanting to do the same thing where I have one custom manipulator device that controls multiple objects so I can control their health and/or other properties without having to drop multiple Prop Manipulator devices into the scene, which would obviously count against the memory allocation.