How To Add a local force

I am trying to make a small plane fly. I already have a pawn, applied physics and now it falls to the ground and collides. Now I set up PlayerInput that would let the player apply a force by the press of a button. The problem is, when I press play and steer the plane in an upwards direction (by using AddTorque) the plane still gets pushed In a horizontal direction. What can I do to fix this and how do I apply the force correctly and locally? I tried using AddForceAtLocation, but then the pawn just started spinning uncontrollably.

This is my code:

void AMyPawnOne::SetupPlayerInputComponent(class UInputComponent* InputComponent)

	InputComponent->BindAxis("PlanePitch", this, &AMyPawnOne::PlanePitch);
	InputComponent->BindAxis("PlaneThrust", this, &AMyPawnOne::PlaneThrust);

void AMyPawnOne::PlanePitch(float AxisValue)
	PlaneMesh->AddTorque(FVector(0.0f, -5000.0f, 0.0f)*AxisValue);

void AMyPawnOne::PlaneThrust(float AxisValue)
	PlaneMesh->AddForce(FVector(5000.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)*AxisValue);

This is a little old, so you may have figured it out, but I think you need to use the GetActorForwardVector() and multiply it by the thrust, usually a float I guess, instead of setting the X component of the vector to 5000. I believe that makes it go in the X direction relative to the world.

float thrust = 5000;

void AMyPawnOne::PlaneThrust(float AxisValue)
     PlaneMesh->AddForce(GetActorForwardVector() * thrust * AxisValue);