How To Add A Delay To This Action?

How Do I Add A Delay To The Grappling Hook {please do note that i didnt make the blueprint and i am not a programmer } I Basically Want To Make Sure The Character Doesnt Over Use The Grappling Hook And Add A Simple Delay And Also If Anyone Knows How To Make A Little Bar That Shows When The Grappling Hook Is Ready To Use Or A Text To Appear On Screen , Thank You.

click and drag the node where you want to add the delay as and when you drag the node and release . A box pops up . On the search bar type the word “Delay” . You’ll get the function named delay .

Please stop spamming. This is the third time you post the same question.

really people no one anwsers at all ?

just adding Delay in the end may not be accurate, since you seem to be looking for a “Cooldown” to the “skill”, what i suggest is, create a variable (type boolean) give a name to it (i will call it CanUseHook) the default value should be “True”, try adding a “Branch” between the “Event F” and the “Line Trace for Objects”, drag the variable you created (CanUseHook) and plug it into the Boolean pin of the branch plug the “True” pin of the Branch to the “LineTraceForObjects” and leave the “False” pin unplugged, after the “Set Hook Location” set “CanUseHook” to False and then search for the function “Delay” you can just right click and type “Delay” and you will find it, there’s a place to put the time you want to delay (the cooldown time), after the delay node set the “CanUseHook” to True again

this should work.

i wana say one thing , Thank You So Much :smiley:
Veccher You know your way around the system but may i redirect you to this question that i posted {i am really have way through the learning curve hint:programming is whats left of it } You seem like a nice guy but i really am working hard on these stuff but it wont work for me so may i ask you to help me in another question ? How Do I Merge Or Combine In A Way These Two Blueprints? - Blueprint - Epic Developer Community Forums I would Really Really Appreciated it if you did it for me