How to add a default UniqueNetId?

I can’t see the struct for UniqueNetId anywhere in unrealscript code.

I know that the structure should just have a field Uid in it, but if i try something like this in my default properties:


I get the error:

Warning, ImportText (Uid): Missing opening parenthesis: 0x0000000000000000)

Any ideas?

Try TestPlayerId=(Uid=(A=0x0000000000000001,B=0x0000000000000000))

Or whatever the dword numbers for 1 and 0 are. You might just be able to write (A=1,B=0)

Thanks for the idea @Nathaniel3W

That does allow me to compile, however the string version of it always comes out as 0x0000000000000000. So I’m guessing it’s not liking how I’m setting it.