Hi! I’m new with Unreal Engine and I would ask you a question. These days I have been working on an environment with Unreal Engine 4, and finished the scene I wanted to test it with the third person mode. The problem is only one, when I created the project I selected the blank template. Is there a tutorial to add the blueprint character of the Unreal presets (with all movements, animations etc) in my scene?
You need to add the third person template and change the maps world settings game mode to the one in the third person template(named gamemode I believe).
Create a third person template and migrating your map. To migrate right click on your map in the content browser and select asset action then migrate. This has to be manually pointed to the content folder of the destination project.
Hope this helps
Also you could use the migrate to add your map to the (currently free) advanced vehicle plugin or (if its still free) the advanced locomotion system. That may be a more “game ready” view of you map.