So basically I have set everything. There is a boolean called is running on my code as you can see, but it only plays the panting ( normal breathing sound). It does not play the running breathing sound even if I am running. Help pls
I noticed you are using the “event begin play” node which means this fires only once.
To make it run continuously, you can use a timer (make sure to adjust the time and check “Loop”):
Hope this helps.
So basically I want the heavy breathing to play when I run. And when i run i want the normal breathing to stop. The above given solution plays both sounds together and loops them.
Any help would be greatly appreciated
Just hook it up like here and loop them with a delay
Or skip delay and loop the cue sound directly in the cue options / looping
Im acctually not sure if you release the shift if the heavy breathing sound will stop…
You can have some fun with the OnAudioFinish event of an audio component to manage the audio transitions:
For inspiration (1:56):
Hope it helps.
Is there any way I can just make it so that when Shift is pressed, the fast breathing plays and when shift is released normal breathing is played?