I have my map/level and my 3d models in the level. I have 3 folders in my Content folder. Map, Materials, Models…I am trying to sell the assets within the level but I have no idea how I am suppose to export this out so I can upload it to the seller portal. Am I suppose to Right Click the Content folder and migrate it all and then upload that content folder to the Seller Portal? Or do I go to Platforms and create a windows package? I am at a loss. Thanks
Is it suppose to zip with a bunch of wierd items like having the config folder and those odd _externalactors, _externalobjects…all i did was file project zip…
Hey @YourOwnSkills,
So you should have those external folders as those are created if you are using “open world” levels and contain the assets contained within them. Additionally, you won’t need to include the config folder if you are submitting an asset pack as you won’t be creating a full project when downloading so config settings don’t need to be preserved.
Essentially, your project is being reviewed, packaged and built on the Marketplace side so it can be transferred and downloaded through the launcher, with necessary corrections being made by you during the review process. They do need your core folders from your project (Config, Content, and the .uproject file) to do this successfully.
I hope the above is the answer you were looking for!
Thanks. I just did a submit, wish me luck. hahaha
You don’t need to compile/build anything, and you don’t need to export anything - marketplace products are simply zipped projects. The usual is to include the Config folder, the Content folder, the .uproject, and the associated .png thumbnail. That’s all there is to it.
Whether this content will be treated as a standalone project or as an group of files to be injected into existing user projects when downloaded from the Marketplace is determined by a tickbox in the product info.
You will know if your nomenclature and hierarchy inside the Content folder needs any changes by reading the breakdown provided to you by the member of the MarketPlace team in charge of curating your submission.
That’s about it really. I’d suggest to start with something simple, like a collection of mesh assets.
So all I did was go to file ZIP. I was looking for export package or something but I guess they just call it ZIP now? anyway I made a video on whats in the zip. I didnt delete anything and I just sent this to them.
Zip is a compression/storing method that has been in used for decades. It predates Unreal, and is unrelated to the act of making a build. It’s just a way to neatly group everything into a single upload.
As for the project/product itself : you’ll need a name representative of your product inside the Content folder. That’s how all marketplace products/assets are organized. Download a few free assets from the marketplace and you will be able to understand all this. But regardless, this will be one of the first things mentionned in the feedback you’ll get from the Marketplace Team curator.