How to activate orbit camera on enter vehicle


I’m currently trying to make a custom vehicle based on the existing vehicles. I simply use a VFX powerup device to spawn the vehicle mesh on top of the player once he enters the vehicle. It looks fine but the vehicle camera is too zoomed in and doesn’t look good with the new mesh.
I’ve tried to use the new orbit camera to set the distance to the player a bit further back. Once I jump into a vehicle, it overrides the orbit camera and defaults back to the normal camera. I also have priority set as high as possible on the orbit camera

Is there a way to fix this?


It seems the vehicle camera settings haven’t been exposed. There’s an issue with turn radius because of the camera constraints in fixed angle camera and turning with the vehicle. When you look at previous roadmaps for UEFN, you saw that racing support was sprinkled across multiple phases. I think that’s just where we are now in terms of racing as a genre in Fortnite.


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Did you find a solution to that ?