How to activate and deactivate particles

I want my particle component to keep on emitting particle when my character
collided with a collision. The emitting will only stop when the character leave the
collision. I would be grateful if anyone could show me how to do this.

Particle emitters have an activate and deactivate function. Hook those up to overlap events on your character

Thank for your reply.

From what I know the only 2 ways to turn off the particle emitter were to deactivate particle system component
in the blueprint event graph and in the particle editor under Emitter/required/duration and set it the number greater than 0.

It’s there any other way to have overlapping or collision, example a character collided with a cube to activate the emitter and deactivated
when the character leave the cube.

What I am trying to achieve, is to have a character walk into a trap and caught with sudden burst of fire. The character will continue to burn
if it remained inside the trap. As soon as it leave the trap the fire will disintegrate.

I believe you can use ActivateSystem and DeactivateSystem nodes (Should be called Activate and Deactivate in BP)

I would try snaiperskaya’s way. Personally I just create/destroy emitters whenever I need/don’t need them, but I haven’t tried using those ActivateSystem/DeactivateSystem nodes.

The activate and deactivate nodes cannot control when it should emit and it shouldn’t. When the deactivate node is connected it will emit once and fade off immediately. It should continue emitting until the character move away from the trigger space. I would be grateful if a picture of a BP to show how it can be achieve.

Wouldn’t you want an emitter that is looping and in exit a trigger you deactivate it?

Activation from that I know starts it from the start.
Or duct tape together a animation with notify a for particle and trigger the animation and stop the animation.

Similarly a looping timeline that keeps spawning the single fire effect and start and stop that.

I’d personally have an on overlap activate on end overlap deactivate

You obviously have to create the logic behind it. As it has been already stated you may want to have a trigger that sends the Activate signal to the emitter. For instance your trap could have a SphereCollision component, you would then bind the OnOverlap event to a function that gets the emitter and activate it.
Not sure where you are getting stuck honestly

I have no problem of trigger the emitter on but I just can’t trigger off the emitter. I want to be able to control the emitter
like the way with the trigger in the tutorial for turning on and off the light.

Ok then I think we’d need to see how your going sbout this.

  1. how is the emitter spawning? Placed in world? Is it spawned from player bp, controller, etc

  2. How are you activating it?

  3. Is the emitter looping indefinitely or have a designated lifetime?

  4. Have you tried what we suggested and get an error when deactivating it? What is it?

  1. how is the emitter spawning? Placed in world? Is it spawned from player bp, controller, etc
    It was the fire_emitter’s BP, dragged from the content browser into the level editor.

  2. How are you activating it?
    It activated when the character overlapped the emitter’s collision.

  3. Is the emitter looping indefinitely or have a designated lifetime?
    It emitted with looping indefinitely and have a designated lifetime.

  4. Have you tried what we suggested and get an error when deactivating it? What is it?
    I have tried connecting a deactivate component on the Add Particle System Component’s output, and the
    fire dissipated immediately. This doesn’t looks right as the character still in the collision box. I know there
    was another solution to this was to change the particle looping from 0 to any number say 2 seconds in the particle
    editor. But what would happen if the character restlessly stay inside the collision box for more than to 2 seconds, don’t you think
    the fire should continue to burn and not fade away after 2 seconds. This why I think it should be a switch for on and off
    just like the light component. When enter the room, the light goes on, and off when exit the room.

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for others looking for an answer, you call deactivate on the component.
you can store the return value of spawnemitter* and call deactivate on it.

also set auto destroy Niagara System blueprint deactivate/destroy? - #10 by Yaklakootmaa2

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