How to achieve two Characters to partially interact i.e. hand-grab

In terms of theory and Blueprint prototypy / nodes to use, how can I attract a partial part of the Character’s body to that of another Character’s.

I essentially want to impulse and then snap a part of a Character to another Character so that they line up and have a potentially mutual rotation (i.e. so the aligning parts aren’t facing the opposite direction).

Say that two Character’s hands meet together (like in procedural IK) as like in a hand-grab or gun-grab/socket-grab in combat.
Or to line the torso, belly or pelvis, etc in like a combat/wrestling move.

In other words, I want the animations I’m using to get the the separate Characters to sort of trigger a collision and then for a part of the Characters to “magnetise” so that the animation lines up.

So what I’m asking is:

  1. Is it possible for two different Character’s attached Collision components to trigger a collision event for an estimated trigger area (I’m confused by this as I’m not sure how to get attached collisions to behave as in world-space detectors/attractors).
  2. How may I impulse the centres of the Collisions / attachments so that they meet together, and then allow me to trigger a partial animation or logic when they meet i.e. closure of hand on hand grab.
  3. Is there a better way than doing any of this I mentioned to achieve the same result in UE4?
  4. I’m not sure if this involves seamlessly attaching the Characters, but I’m not sure how to do that i.e. body slam but that might be a slightly different concept.

Additionally, if the Characters were on vehicles would there need to be some kind of hierarchy to this, or should both Characters be put onto a Vehicle actor so that the world space collisions between characters have no interference when they the Characters have such interaction on a moving object i.e. Vehicle.
