Is there a way to get access to the Runtime Grid settings, specifically “Block On Slow Streaming” through Blueprint nodes?
I couldn’t figure out an official settings, so I ended up creating my own C++ function that’s really easy to use!
Here is the code for anyone that comes across it in future!
I created a Blueprint Function Library File called: WorldPartitionBPFunctionLibrary.cpp & its respective Header file WorldPartitionBPFunctionLibrary.h
Add the following code in the Header file!
MAKE SURE YOU REPLACE THE WORD “YourProject_API” with your project’s name
#pragma once
#include "CoreMinimal.h"
#include "Kismet/BlueprintFunctionLibrary.h"
#include "WorldPartition/WorldPartition.h"
#include "WorldPartition/WorldPartitionRuntimeSpatialHash.h"
#include "WorldPartition/WorldPartitionStreamingSource.h"
#include "WorldPartitionBPFunctionLibrary.generated.h"
class YourProject_API UWorldPartitionBPFunctionLibrary : public UBlueprintFunctionLibrary
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "World Partition")
static void SetWorldPartitionBlockSettings(UObject* OwningActor);
This is the CPP file:
#include "WorldPartitionBPFunctionLibrary.h"
void UWorldPartitionBPFunctionLibrary::SetWorldPartitionBlockSettings(UObject* OwningActor)
Then you go into your blueprint and call this function! Since its a BP Function, you can call it from any BP. It will ask you to add “Owning Actor” as a parameter, just pass self reference.
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