Given the code below:
Foo := class():
@editable var TestInt : int = 0
MainClass := class(creative_device):
# Code here
How would you be able to access the ‘TestInt’ variable at its’ current state and change it?
You need a reference to an object of type Foo
in MainClass
@editable FooRef : Foo = Foo{}
If Foo
is a creative_device, you can point your MainClass
device to your Foo
device, and you can do set FooRef.Test = 5
in MainClass
and it will work
If Foo
isn’t a creative_device then you need some other way of passing the reference from wherever you instantiate a Foo
How could I use the above to reference to this example:
MainDevice := class(creative_device):
@editable NewFoo : Foo = Foo{}
Foo := class(MainDevice):
@editable var FooInt : int = 0
The @editable part in the “MainDevice” seems to not work at all unless I use an array of type Foo. Any idea how to fix this? Also if you noticed, Foo inherits from MainDevice.
Stacking onto my previous question, how can I make the Foo class which inherits MainDevice not show the @editables in the editor from MainDevice? I want to make the MainDevice class set the settings for the Foo device, and have the Foo device have an @editable variable that the MainDevice won’t
@editable only works for some types. See: Customize Device Properties
If you want some property only editable from MainClass but not Foo, I think you might need to use inheritance: