I am creating a plugin where I need to access the clock or a ticking system for the editor rather than the game. Is there a way I could bind to the editor’s clock, ticking system, or event scheduler to run a callback every n seconds or every frame?
If you want to hook into it from a plugin, you can do something like this in StartupModule :
auto delegate = FWorldDelegates::FWorldInitializationEvent::FDelegate::CreateRaw(this, &FMyPlugin::OnPostWorldInitialization);
With callback like this :
void FMyPlugin::OnPostWorldInitialization(UWorld* World, const UWorld::InitializationValues IVS)
if (World)
// World->GetTimerManager
// or
// World->SpawnActor
Note that editor spawns multiple worlds, so you may want to add some checks if you only want to use a specific one, like World->IsEditorWorld() or World->IsPlayInEditor() or World->IsGameWorld().
I’d suggest spawning an Actor into the world to use timer or tick, rather than trying to bind the timer manager to a plugin function.
Thank you. However, I am getting a “Cannot open include file: ‘Engine/World.h’: No such file or directory” error when I go to compile. However, Intellisense reconizes the .h file and no longer errors out the FWorldDelegates. Any ideas on what might be occurring?
Thank you! The callback occurred twice even with a condition on “IsEditorWorld()”. There seems to be two calls to the FWorldDelegates::OnPostWorldInitialization that pass “IsEditorWorld()”. How might I condition, so there is only one?
Well I don’t know exactly as I’ve never used it in that specific way, but you can debug it out by printing World->GetName() for example. I suspect it might work like the normal game and load a world for each map. If that’s the case, you’ll want to spawn the actor in each of them. Also mark your actor RF_Transient so it doesn’t get saved into maps.
Another option would be to spawn an UObject rather than an actor. Just store it in a UObject* variable, and add it to the root set so it doesn’t get garbage collected. Implementing the FTickableGameObject should make your object tick like an actor, and it should be world-independent. Declaration should look somewhat like this