How to access TeamID from the Lyra Team Subsystem?

How can I access which team the local player is on? I’m trying create a new component in my Experience Definition that sets the character based on team. I’ve got it set up to change based on a random integer just fine, however I can’t get the Team ID from the Lyra Team Subsystem - only an array of the Team IDs available. Also when I try to use the Find Team from Actor node, it always returns a TeamID of -1 for both teams.

My team picking component is a child of the Lyra Controller Component Character Parts (duplicated from the RandomCharacter component). Any idea’s how I can get this working? Thanks in advance

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Hello, I found one solution that works for me. In B_Hero-ShooterMannequin we have observe team colors node (i think there should be more similar nodes)

that has teamid output. i set to destroy actor if character is in team 1, just for example


we also can compare teams if we want to apply different effects to the opposite team