How to access BP properties from Sequencer?

Hello. Is it possible to access the properties of a BP from the Sequencer?
For example, let’s suppose I have a BP inside my level that is able to change the post-process effect in game. Fine, I want to do the same during my sequence, so I have to access to that BP and its properties during the sequence and also modifying them.
Is this possible?
If not, is there a work around?
Thank you very much.

Enable the “Expose to Cinematics” toggle on the blueprint variable, compile and then it should be in the +Track menu for the actor in the sequence.

It works! Thank you very much.

You also need to tick in “Run Construction Script in Sequencer” in the Class Settings inside the blueprint you want to control. It is set not to be visible by default…


Hey guys,
I have a problem, I have a blueprint and I selected a variable and clicked on the expose to Cinematics option but it won’t tick, do you guys have any idea why that is happening? any help is much appreciated.

Did you solve the problem? I have the same issue

same issue. anyone solved this?

Are you expecting the tick is running without executing the actual game mode? If yes, you have to use editor tick instead.

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