How to access and use Shared Fragments properly

I’m a bit confused on how shared fragments are suppose to be handled
here’s two seperate scenarios

1- I added a const shared fragment, and everything is fine, but I have no clue how to access that data from mass entity manager, I have access to entity manager entity handle

2- if I add a shared fragment, the state tree looks up for a ConstSharedFragment dependancy for some reason, but my fragment is a SharedFragment to start begin with!!!

is there a proper way to do this that I am not aware of, or do i have to implement that logic in mass?

does this means that no one knows?!

I’d like to bump this since I’m also trying to figure out how to use Shared Fragments. In particular, I want to change the StateTree my entities are using at runtime. But the fragment storing the StateTree is a shared fragment. Anyone know how to change shared fragments?

I think you should make a new topic, also, i don’t get what you mean by changing shared fragment