How to access a Spawn Sound at Location return value variable within another blueprint?

Hi there, I have a variable set by “Spawn Sound at Location” which is saved within the “Demo” level BP. This plays a sound cue a phone ringing on loop. When the player interacts with the “Phone” actor, I want this sound to stop. However I cannot access the “PhoneIsRinging” variable set by the spawn in the “Stop” step in the phone BP. How can I get this BP to access this variable?

The BeginOverlap trigger that spawns sound:

The Interactable Phone that stops the spawned sound:

Direct blueprint communication

You can’t get references to stuff in the level BP from outside the level BP. In that case, just put the code in an actor in the level.

Thanks, this has broken all of the code. I assume I supposed to use event dispatchers for this? I have sequences and exponential fog changes that cannot be accessed by this actor blueprint?

Re-reading your original post, it makes much more sense for the phone to make the ringing sound ( like real phones do ), and stop when the player picks it up.

That’s what Im trying to achieve. Ive spawned a sound at the phone actor, and want it to stop when the player interacts with it (it then runs an audio sequence). Is there a better way to achieve this?

Get the phone to spawn the sound. Then the phone has the reference, and can call ‘stop’ on overlap.