thanks for the help Nick!
But I still dont get it, the outside listener part!
#What I did
I put the main definition in the .h and the broadcast in the .cpp of my Player controller.
I then defined the BP version as my picture shows.
This runs great cause I’m broadcasting in same .cpp that has the .h definition.
then I add the .h requirements to my custom level BP
and added the BP implementation of the event similar to picture above
the Level BP version is not being called when the Player controller version gets broadcasted!
Is this normal?
This is my attempt an outside listener / a different class listening in on the event
#C++ of the Level BP
just this, no broadcast in the cpp:
//Bindable Event, Item Highlighted (see delegate declaration in PC .h)
UPROPERTY(BlueprintAssignable, Category="Solus Inventory Delegate Test")
FBindableEvent_ItemHighlighted OnItemHighlighted;
I thought the point here was to have cross class many different entities listening in on event that occurs only in 1 .cpp file.
But for me the level BP is not getting the signal
PS: really want to understand the reason for delegates over using a low level c++ interface and then just having each class that uses the interface call their own blueprint implementable event in response.
So level designers define the behavior, but the “broadcast” is done via interface casting using ObjectIterator or ActorIterator in the C++
All of this to create a Global Broadcast that each class handles differently, with different BP implementations