How the heck does one change the font (family) of a combo-box during realtime?

I’m trying to figure out how to set the font of a combo box during realtime. Players can customize their UI fonts/colors, which gets triggered by a delegate, and the only thing I’m stuck on is the Combo Box. I cannot find a way to do this, at least not with the default UMG. Do I need to write a custom class or something for this to be an option? If so, could someone please post an example?

I find it so strange that the font is so inaccessible for combo boxes and their associated items.

Found a way doing this via a custom widget. Basically you replace the default text widget which is generated by the combobox with a custom text widget containing custom logic. Fully possible in UMG Blueprint functionality.

  1. Create a widget with a Canvas Panel containing a text
  2. Edit the anchor to the anchor filling the whole screen, set offsets to 0 and enable “Size to content”. Also make sure to tick on “is variable”
  3. Open your combo box settings in Designer mode, scroll to the “Events” section and bind a new function to “OnGenerateWidget”
  4. In this new function, create your custom widget, set the text and return it as selectable element
  5. Implement your font change functionality in the custom widget, I usually do it quick and dirty like this:

Credit to this ancient tutorial which helped me. It basically contains the same information but not very condensed: