Hi, i like UE, but often i encounter problems, some of them really hard and i can’t solve them due:
- lacking of knowledges
- still changing UE itself
- lacking of people enough expirienced or helping random people like me
what to do? how speed up problem solving? i’m already using answerhub, forum, search engine, reading/watching everything i can find, but it’s still really so slow
for example why can't find session in packaged Multiplayer Shootout through steam? - Platform & Builds - Epic Developer Community Forums such problems really hard to dig, it’s not so simple like “how call a blue print from another” or “how print an integer on screen”, any tips guys?
Hey HappyHorror,
Unreal Engine 4 has new additions added to it with each update, as well as bugs being fixed. With that being said, you will likely always need to learn a bit with each update, but that is with any product that’s being updated regularly. We have [Twitch streams][1] very often, which are uploaded afterwards. I would also suggest going through the tutorials provided on our [website][2], as well as . We also have a lot of [documentation][3] that you can review, which we try to update as regularly as possible. Of course, if you’re not able to find what you’re looking for specifically, we have the Forums and AnswerHub here to help you as well.
I hope this information helps, have a great day!
[2]: A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements - Epic Developer Community Forums
[3]: Samples and Tutorials for Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.1 Documentation
As for problems you had with Steam, check API reference first if you want to search features you want. Also learn basic framework, if you learn how it works you will be able to find yourself in API refrence. As you preticilar problem with steam (link is broken), did you check appid setup?
yeah i know there’s a lot of information, but is here a way i can check any problem is an engine bug for example?
Hey HappyHorror,
If you’re concerned about a specific issue that’s happening within the Editor, please create a new question on AnswerHub and tag it as a bug or bug report and we will be able to investigate this further and search . Currently, our isn’t public facing so we would need to look into that for you.
Hey , i understand now your is private for some reasons, but why not give users “read only” right to be able check if their problem is already known bug and not just common problem of missed thing or something else minor?
Hi Samatha,
yes, an public read-only bugtracker (maybe with a voting system and a subscribe mechanism for getting informed if a bug was fixed) would be really be helpful.
Hey Everyone,
We’ve been investigating the possibility of making a public facing . However, we do not have any specific information available at this time to release to the public.