How sit down on copied chair


I am making sit down possibilities. And I ran into a problem. When I interact with first chair, character sit correctly. But, when I want to copy my chair blueprint. 
Then, I try to sit on second chair (copied). My character teleport on first chair.

I have node “Get All Actors of Class” and I try to get arrow from ChairBP. But It doesn’t work. And, I don’t understood why.

Help me please.

Do you see the “Get All Actors of Class” node and then the “Get” with 0 value? That means it will always get the “first chair” no matter what chair you approach. In UE4, “first chair” could be the first or the second chair. What you want is while querying all the chairs in the world, take note of their distance from your character and once you accounted all of them, choose the chair that is “closest” to your character.

EDIT: Below is an example:

I would personally just make a line trace and sit in the chair that the trace hits, but that depends on whether the game is first or third person. Constantly getting all actors in a level and evaluating each can get performance heavy down the road. Your idea works too though.

Performance and design-wise, its better to use blueprint interface than a line trace or get all actors. I’m just expanding on his existing “Get All Actors” + Get (0) nodes to point out what’s the problem with the current logic and how to fix it rather than give an alternative solution.

It is working! Thank you, for your help!

I modified your system. I set “my closest chair” into Chair BP. It will help me to create different chairBP with the same possibilities

please someone make tutorial videos for this… please… please! Bp of character and Chair please

To sit on a copied chair, simply lower yourself onto it as you would with any other chair.