How should I start and what should I learn? About Virtual Space and Tour

Hello everyone,

I’m 25 years old and have been working as a photographer for about seven years. Last year, I started creating virtual tours using my photography work. Later on, I experimented with creating 3D shoe objects using photos and videos. I’m proficient in Photoshop, Premiere/DaVinci, and Lightroom.

I have no prior experience with the 3D world and have never used any related software before. After some research, I’ve decided to work with Unreal Engine over Blender and Cinema 4D. However, I’m open to hearing any suggestions you might have. Generally, when I want to learn something new, I prefer diving straight in and learning as I go. I consider myself a fast learner.

My goal is to create a virtual space and then develop a virtual tour within that space. I want to integrate photos, videos, and 3D products into the virtual tour so that users can explore it interactively. In the future, I might even consider adding animations to this virtual tour, but that’s for a later stage.

After some initial research, I plan to familiarize myself with the interface and program using this course before diving into more specific tutorials aimed at achieving my main goal. However, Unreal Engine has many different use cases, and I’m a bit confused about how to proceed.

How should I structure my learning path to develop my skills? For example, after mastering the basics, should I immediately look for courses focused on creating virtual spaces, or should I start with lighting tutorials?

Also, since this is an entirely new field for me, do you have any note-taking tips to help me organize and retain what I learn?

And if you have any courses or resources that you think would help with these topics, I would be very happy if you could send them to me.
Thank you very much in advance

Hi there @Moon.Iron,

Welcome to the Unreal Engine forums! So nice to see a new face around here :slight_smile:

This topic has been moved from Tutorial and Course Discussion to Community & Industry Discussion. Hopefully this category change will help to get an answer for you.

When posting, please review the categories to ensure your topic is posted in the most relevant space. Thanks and happy developing! :smiley: