Hello, and thanks for taking a look at my question. My goal with removing the Default Projectile (packaged with the shooter example project) is to replace it with a Ray-Tracing projectile. I could just put the player in god mode and then shoot both the projectile and the Ray-Tracing projectile, and make a new health system from scratch to accommodate the Ray-Tracing projectile, But that would just be sloppy because the projectile that comes with the Shooter Example is going to create blood effects even if the player hasn’t been hit by the Ray-Tracing projectile.
TL;DR: Any ideas on getting rid of the default projectile in the Shooter Example Project?
Hm, is this even possible?
If I’m understanding you correctly, you want to replace the default way of shooting with a hitscan / raycast system? Tesla Dev has a fantastic video describing how to do this, and even how to add effects when the trace hits something.
Hello slimabob, thanks for the answer, however the problem with my projectile isn’t that I can’t get a raycast set up, but that I can’t get rid of the default projectile. the project I’m using as a template is the shooter example project, the one with the player animations and the fancy guns. Even though this is a c++ example project, I want to use blueprints for more control over what happens to the bullet (as you can probably tell, I’m not too proficient with c++). I am able to cast to the weapon that uses an instant-hitting bullet, so I guess that’s a start. Again, thanks very much for the reply it’s greatly appreciated, and sorry to cause you any trouble.
I have found a (somewhat sloppy) way, under the weapons configuration in ue4, just set the weapons range to zero and turn off the weapon’s FX. Then just do a line trace from the relative point of the barrel. If anyone else was having trouble I hope this helped. Thanks for reading