How should I apply Overlay Materials when hovering over tagged actors/objects?

How do I apply an Overlay Material in this instance when hovering over an object with
the tag “Collectible” and then once you aren’t hovering over tagged actor it should stop/remove the overlay material.

I’ve tried using Line Trace by Channel along with setting Scalar Parameter Value
but this method proves ineffective and does not work properly

Here’s my blueprint code: (It’s pretty big)

and here’s an example of what it should do:

  • Don’t mind my code being pretty messy, I’ve honestly been struggling with this, when it does work I don’t like how it looks, I want it to look how it does in above gif, I already have an OverlayMaterial called “GlowMaterial”

So it seems like what you need is to have the material change back? Your code should change it to the overlay at least. Using line trace I’m not familiar with a way to accomplish this. I have a component I made for making objects in between my character and the camera go translucent. Something like that may give you the desired result. It essentially uses a collision box and begin/end overlap events, with TMAP to store actor references and materials. On overlap is assigns the translucent material. On end it finds the actors reference in the map and restores their material. If your interested in a system like this I can post screenshots