How Scroll box multipler work?

By default Scroll multipler is *1, what all affect on it?How i can calculate to be per pixel?

For example in my case i want to calculate to be per 100 pixels becouse in my array of list i have child widget with 100pixels height so i want to scroll per one child widget…

so i want to scroll per one child

You could spend a couple of hours calculating the necessary geometry, vectors, offset, DPIs and whatnot… but you can do this instead:


And tell the Scrollbox which widget to scroll to by Index. Let’s say you scroll with a mouse wheel:

  • positive & negative mouse delta adds to / subtracts from an Int value that is clamped to the array length
  • use this value to fetch a Scrollbox child or an array element

The added bonus here is that you no longer need to care about the dimensions. On top of that, you can even have each child be of different size…

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It should look like this?

Not really. You just need to provide the Index of the item. There’s no need to loop anything.

How are you intending to scroll through items? Mouse wheel? Buttons? Something else?

Im not sure that this is correct way to do it cus it not look like it should
This is List scrolled to Top

And this is scrolled to nearly bottom

Last slot of design is not in use cus there should be backpack info and there is no padding
between child slots at least I didn’t put it on, maybe UE is make padding by self?

Mouse wheel

  • the widget

  • mouse scrolling

Image from Gyazo

To get the very top / bottom widget scroll into view correctly, you’d need to pad the scroll box with some dummy invisible objects and adjust clamps.

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Whoa bro, thanks a lot, im so grateful. Im strugling with this whole day, if i can help for some 3d models maybe just say :smiley: Thanks a lot again! :smiley: