How run ue4 Editor from clion?

Hello, does anybody know which target configuration should I select in Clion to run Ue4-Editor from Clion? I want to work with a debugger, but nothing works. I selected “ProjectEditor-Linux-Debug” and pressed the debugger button and the Clion hung on the line “Scanning dependencies of target FakeTarget”

Best regards

In the project drop-down choose Edit Configurations. Once the dialog (see image below) comes up, go to Executable and click on the Select other… Then go choose your UE4Editor-Linux-Debug executable in your [Path to Unreal]/Engine/Binaries/Linux/ path. That will give you the new Executable option which you should make sure is selected. You will need to do that for each configuration you wish to run/debug. If the executable doesn’t exist then simply select the configuration and compile it first.
