How properly add Common UI plugin to C++ project

Hello. My version Unreal Engine 5.3.2
I was add Common UI plugin from Edit->Plugins->Enable Common UI.
Restart editor.
I was change Game Viewport Client Class to CommonGameViewportClass.
Restart editor.
I added
PrivateDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string[] { "CommonUI" });
in ProjectName.Build.cs
And now i can create BP class from Common UI compile and run it, but when i try create c++ class or try include some .h from Common UI Visual Studio wrote me that can’t find way to Common UI classes. Looks like i must write some path to Common UI folder then include can find it, but where is this path can setup? May be i am wrong and i must do something else?

Hello, it might be beneficial to consider adding ‘UMG’ to your list of public dependencies. Give it a try!

Remember that common user widgets are subclasses of user widgets.