I’m working on a C++ plugin and would like to include building and packaging of the plugin in our Continuous Integration pipeline. To do this I need to know how to build and export my plugin without user intervention and without creating an Unreal Editor window. I intend to run from within a Docker container, both Windows and Linux.
I have looked a the command line arguments listed at Command-Line Arguments | Unreal Engine Documentation but have not found a way to do what I need. Did I miss something?
I have found two alternative approaches that might work.
AutomationTool Overview | Unreal Engine Documentation -
Python scripting:
Scripting the Editor using Python | Unreal Engine Documentation
Which of the two would you recommend? Is there a third, better way, that I have failed to find?
I have selected UE 4.22 in the product version drop-down but I am willing to upgrade it that would help.