How not to over use GPUs

I have a dual 3030 and a amd threadripper and when I’m working they seemed maxed out is there not way not to fully use gpu until you are ready? Im jus tryin to understand how to prep a shot but seems like its killing my comp

Unreal will use all the resources it can use to improve frame rate.
(Except when it is in the background, at which point it will snooze the CPU between each frame)

ok whats a normal operating temp i dont want to burn out my comp or gpus

Of what? What is a dual 3030? Which threadripper? The safe temps change from gen to gen depending on the quality of the glue. ;p

The computer will shut itself down if it overheats.
Typically, with loud beeping (although some cheap motherboards don’t include the beepers.)
As long as you’re not overvolting the chips or turning off protections in the BIOS, you should be safe.

If you’re trying to overclock, though, well, you’re on your own :slight_smile: That’s what it’s called “overclocking!”

Agreed that you don’t need to be thread-ripping with dual 3030s :face_with_monocle: @ 120fps in editor when working.

Two things to try:

Disable ‘Realtime’ on your viewport.


Limit the in-editor fps with the console command t.maxfps 15