How many Variables are too many inside a BP Struct?

The BP JSON plugin can convert a BP Struct to JSON and I planned to use a struct as sort of a “database” for all my settings values. The struct variables are just basic strings (not nested because unsupported by the JSON plugin).

Is UE optimized enough to handle 500+ string variables inside a single BP Struct or do I have to separate them into multiple structs by category?

You will be limited by FString and not variable count. The summed length of the data + quotation marks, commas and curly brackets is really the limit.

Though the longer your string the more calculations will go into parsing / building back and forth between JSON and FString.

Main question is why would you need 500+ variables inside of a single struct? Are you making the right design choices?

Maybe some of this should be split into actors and serialized into a save file?

If you are basically trying to create a database then why not just use one?

You could go the route of a file database via SQLite for something like this (better than datatables because it can be modified at runtime)

Tutorial on using SQLite with Unreal. It’s an external link:


Consider using data assets. Parse Json into data assets, then load one you want.


The JSON plugin only allows conversions from Struct to JSON. UE’s unreliable SaveGame class is the main reason as to why I have to resort to encrypting and saving JSON data to file.

The SQL DB is nice but unless there is a BP plugin. It’s not of much use to a BP-Only user like me.

@Nawrot I’ll look into it. Thanks for the tip.

Sqlite plugin is by default in the engine plugins.

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