How many prop manipulators can you use on one map?

How many prop manipulators can you use on one map? I’m having an issue with my map where half of my props are shown on game start when they are not supposed to be shown and I’ve heard that there is a limit on how many prop manipulators you can use. Currently I am using 196 prop manipulators. I know there is a workaround with using verse however I want to get this map released relatively soon and learning verse is not an easy solution although I might start to learn it soon. Any help is appreciated.

Hey I Carry The Boat,

Good question, I’d like to know the answer, it looks like you’ve hit the current limit for them.
Do you remember how many you were at just before they started to malfunction ?

Are you able to make larger zones that share more props ?
You’ve also got the priority setting, so you can make a large prop mani zone with a low priority covering multiple props and then put smaller prop manis inside that with higher priority to affect any props that need different settings or trigger different events.

I never got to a point where they did not work since whenever I launch a session through UEFN everything works perfectly. I only recently found out that I was over the limit after doing some investigating after I found out that my map didnt work when launched through a code. I may try that priority setting but I have never tried it so Ill have to figure it out.

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I also just did a test. I loaded a blank map and put 200 prop manipulators and connected them to one button and the map functioned as it is supposed too. All my buttons, triggers, etc all work on my map and it is just the prop manipulators that are not working right, but is it possible that I am at a device limit overall?

Yeah possibly, its hard to tell, since the device limit was raised from 100 per certain devices there really hasn’t been much info on what each limit is, the overall limit on devices or the limits to device events.

However it may be that since the test switch has similar event functions to the 200 props it works, and the limit is in the 200 random function events more than the 200 devices ???

How many other devices are in your map ?

I have 500 something spread out over a very large map that uses streaming to be able to fit everything

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I wouldn’t expect 500+ to be too extreme, especially if your not hitting memory limits

Yeah I dont understand why it isnt working, Im still trying to troubleshoot.