How many landscape layers were supported on mobile platform?

Hi, as the topic said, how many landscape layers were supported on the mobile platform, I was told that it was three layers,but I havn’t found any documentations about this number.

I use 4 layers and there are no problems

You can have a lot of layers, the issue that you will run into is texture samplers because the ES31 rendering pipeline only supports up to 16 samplers for each material. So if you are using 3 samples per material the practical limit you will run into is around 4 layers. Texture samplers are also used by the landscape layer blend node (one sampler for every 4 layers blended) and they are also used by other rendering features within the engine so you can’t ever use 16 texture sample nodes within the landscape material itself. I managed to get 6 layers in my landscape material but I packed textures and some layers only used one texture sample.


So it’s not about the layers, but the number of texture samples! Oh, I see. I can use the R channel of the Albedo’s as roughness, 2 maps for each layer, and sometimes I don’t need normal texture , then I can have more layers~Thanks!

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