How Lyra AssetManager loading the input related stuff?

You can set the “Default Input Mapping” on the hero character, which is basically an array of struct which has this “InputMapping” field, which i set to my IMC similarly as it is in Lyra.

In debug mode, this specific code returns null:

Maybe the asset manager is not picking up the asset while starting up the game and binding the inputs?

Here is the whole function for more context:

void ULyraHeroComponent::InitializePlayerInput(UInputComponent* PlayerInputComponent)

	const APawn* Pawn = GetPawn<APawn>();
	if (!Pawn)

	const APlayerController* PC = GetController<APlayerController>();

	const ULyraLocalPlayer* LP = Cast<ULyraLocalPlayer>(PC->GetLocalPlayer());

	UEnhancedInputLocalPlayerSubsystem* Subsystem = LP->GetSubsystem<UEnhancedInputLocalPlayerSubsystem>();


	if (const ULyraPawnExtensionComponent* PawnExtComp = ULyraPawnExtensionComponent::FindPawnExtensionComponent(Pawn))
		if (const ULyraPawnData* PawnData = PawnExtComp->GetPawnData<ULyraPawnData>())
			if (const ULyraInputConfig* InputConfig = PawnData->InputConfig)
				for (const FInputMappingContextAndPriority& Mapping : DefaultInputMappings)
					if (UInputMappingContext* IMC = Mapping.InputMapping.Get())
						if (Mapping.bRegisterWithSettings)
							if (UEnhancedInputUserSettings* Settings = Subsystem->GetUserSettings())
							FModifyContextOptions Options = {};
							Options.bIgnoreAllPressedKeysUntilRelease = false;
							// Actually add the config to the local player							
							Subsystem->AddMappingContext(IMC, Mapping.Priority, Options);

				// The Lyra Input Component has some additional functions to map Gameplay Tags to an Input Action.
				// If you want this functionality but still want to change your input component class, make it a subclass
				// of the ULyraInputComponent or modify this component accordingly.
				ULyraInputComponent* LyraIC = Cast<ULyraInputComponent>(PlayerInputComponent);
				if (ensureMsgf(LyraIC, TEXT("Unexpected Input Component class! The Gameplay Abilities will not be bound to their inputs. Change the input component to ULyraInputComponent or a subclass of it.")))
					// Add the key mappings that may have been set by the player
					LyraIC->AddInputMappings(InputConfig, Subsystem);

					// This is where we actually bind and input action to a gameplay tag, which means that Gameplay Ability Blueprints will
					// be triggered directly by these input actions Triggered events. 
					TArray<uint32> BindHandles;
					LyraIC->BindAbilityActions(InputConfig, this, &ThisClass::Input_AbilityInputTagPressed, &ThisClass::Input_AbilityInputTagReleased, /*out*/ BindHandles);

					LyraIC->BindNativeAction(InputConfig, LyraGameplayTags::InputTag_Move, ETriggerEvent::Triggered, this, &ThisClass::Input_Move, /*bLogIfNotFound=*/ false);
					LyraIC->BindNativeAction(InputConfig, LyraGameplayTags::InputTag_Look_Mouse, ETriggerEvent::Triggered, this, &ThisClass::Input_LookMouse, /*bLogIfNotFound=*/ false);
					LyraIC->BindNativeAction(InputConfig, LyraGameplayTags::InputTag_Look_Stick, ETriggerEvent::Triggered, this, &ThisClass::Input_LookStick, /*bLogIfNotFound=*/ false);
					LyraIC->BindNativeAction(InputConfig, LyraGameplayTags::InputTag_Crouch, ETriggerEvent::Triggered, this, &ThisClass::Input_Crouch, /*bLogIfNotFound=*/ false);
					LyraIC->BindNativeAction(InputConfig, LyraGameplayTags::InputTag_AutoRun, ETriggerEvent::Triggered, this, &ThisClass::Input_AutoRun, /*bLogIfNotFound=*/ false);

	if (ensure(!bReadyToBindInputs))
		bReadyToBindInputs = true;
	UGameFrameworkComponentManager::SendGameFrameworkComponentExtensionEvent(const_cast<APlayerController*>(PC), NAME_BindInputsNow);
	UGameFrameworkComponentManager::SendGameFrameworkComponentExtensionEvent(const_cast<APawn*>(Pawn), NAME_BindInputsNow);

Try this:


UPROPERTY(EditDefaultsOnly, BlueprintReadOnly, Category = "C++|Input", meta = (AllowPrivateAccess = "true"))
class UInputMappingContext *InputMapping = nullptr;


//Add the input mapping context
EnhancedInput->AddMappingContext(InputMapping, 0);

I have not problem with it.

Even in “debug mode”

in your case:


You shouldn’t do this

you should do this instead

const ULyraPawnExtensionComponent* PawnExtComp = ULyraPawnExtensionComponent::FindPawnExtensionComponent(Pawn);

if ( !IsValid(PawnExtComp)) return;

IsValid checks more things than just not null.

And having so many things nested is not a good idea either.
It is more complicated to read and understand (you don’t know where it starts or where it ends).

The function that i pasted in is exactly the same as the one in Lyra sample.
I haven’t change anything on it and it works in the Lyra project, but not in mine.

I advise you not to copy that way of programming:

IsValid check if the object is pendig kill…
The pointer can be not null in this point

And nesting things are horrible to read.

if (A)
	if (B)
		if (C)
			if (D)
				//do something

You can do this:

if (!A) return;
if (!B) return;
if (!C) return;

if (D)
            //do something

It’s the same and it’s more understandable and clean.

in you experience asset, when you add your game features, you also have fill out the IMC there (in the input mapping game feature).


That fixed it for me. Thank you!